VIE@ALTEN - Camille Ronco - ALTEN Belgium

VIE@ALTEN – Camille Ronco

What is your professional background?

After obtaining a Master’s degree in Medicine, Quality and Regulation at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, my career path focused on pharmaceutical quality, beginning in a start-up in Paris on a fixed-term contract to implement Good Laboratories Practices before joining ALTEN Belgium as a VIE. ALTEN first entrusted me with the position of Deviation Coordinator for a vaccine production line, then I joined Production Support for another customer in their injectable products department. After 2 years of VIE, I was able to continue my journey with ALTEN on a permanent contract.

What are the benefits of the VIE contract? What were your expectations? 

The main advantage of a VIE is that you can travel while working in the field you like, thanks to the many assignments offered by Business France. Secondly, the framework provided by Business France makes it much easier to integrate into another country (from an administrative and social point of view) and in complete security.

I’d recommend the VIE to anyone I know because the opportunities are so diverse and it’s very easy to complete the formalities with Business France. It’s a very rewarding experience from a professional, social and cultural standpoint.

How was your first contact with ALTEN?  

ALTEN’s recruiters contacted me via Linkedin and then I had several face-to-face interviews. The recruitment process was smooth and straightforward, and ALTEN made themselves available to meet me and facilitated the VIE process.

Do you have any future opportunities?

Since the end of my VIE contract, I have had a permanent contract with ALTEN.

What is your current mission at ALTEN?

As part of a four-person ALTEN team working for our customer, we produce various types of reports and interpretations following sampling of the production environment (trend analysis, monthly presentation, laboratory investigation, deviation, SDA analysis, flora analysis).

Why did you choose Belgium? 

Keen to gain experience following my studies and always motivated to discover a new country, ALTEN Belgium offered an assignment in a well-known pharmaceutical environment that I wanted to discover. Secondly, because Belgium is a well-reputed country, very welcoming and where French is the main language.

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