The “Economics” and “Science and Technology” sections of the Haute Ecole Louvain en Hainaut [HELHa] will organize the 14th edition of their JOBday on Friday, March 25, 2022 in the HE3 building of the HELHa in Mons, 159 chaussée de Binche.
What is it about?
A day of “face-to-face meetings” between our students in their graduating year and companies.
Discovering the participating companies through a presentation and personal meetings between students and companies will be on the program of the day.
All type of companies will be there.
Our final year students ?
The courses represented at the JOBday are: Technical Baccalaureate, Economic Baccalaureate, Masters in Industrial Engineering and Masters in work-study.
The detailed list of the sections represented and the links to the web pages of the courses are available at the bottom of this page.
ALTEN is present as an exhibitor at the HELHa JOBday and our team will be happy to help you further in your career. We look forward to greeting you in live and/or online!
For more information, clic here